Sunday, 19 June 2011

HUGE thank you

to everyone who stopped by the SPOT book fair and gave me such lovely compliments/support! I will be updating the site very soon with all the zines & print packs which were presented. Stay tuned!


  1. Hello! I saw you at the fair and only had change for an envelop of photographs. I'd love to pick up more of your print offerings, preferably in person. Will you be at any other fairs soon?

  2. Hi Kristen! Thank you for your encouraging response and for spending your change on my photos! If there's more fairs coming up, you can bet I'll do my best to be there, it's totally addictive to have face to face contact with the people who enjoy your work, as opposed to just mail order! In the meantime you may want to check out this link it's for the art collective I belong to. We're organizing another event for July 17th and I may be showing some work along with other lovely ladies. Please keep in touch! I got the impression we could have a good time swooning over similar say, museums... <3

  3. Lovely! I'm very eager to meet local creative types. I just left Halifax where I was involved in a couple of similar literary/art events but nothing quite so perfect as this. I'll be sure to attend!
